How To Start The Diet?

by Margarita
(Miami, FL, USA)

Hi I have high levels of acid and I just wanted to start the diet to balance my pH, but I just don't know how to start it and how much of each food I should consume?

Thank You.

Hi Margarita,

Starting a pH balanced diet isn't really too difficult. You don't necessarily have to start out with a drastic change unless you are really unwell.

Some people find it difficult to make a huge change all at once, so a gradual change in diet tends to be more successful for many.

Take a look at the list of pH balance diet foods and try to incorporate more of the alkaline foods into your daily diet and less of the acid foods.

If you really want to kick-start your pH diet and make quicker progress towards a pH balanced body, I can highly recommend the Garden Trio.

There really is no limit to the amount of alkaline foods you can eat (within reason). Most of them are whole foods, but go easy on the sweeteners, even though they may be on the alkaline list.

The worst offenders in creating an acidic body is sugar and processed foods. By reducing them, you'll be well on your way.

To your good health!

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