Probiotic Intolerence

by Anne

I was treated for 8 months by a homeopath with anti-parasite/yeast drops and alternating VSL#3 with Saccromycis Boullardi.

I had to stop because I began having diarrhea/bloating/gas with all the probiotics I was taking.

I recently had surgery and was on 3 different antibiotics which resulted in diarrhea/loose stools. I have been tested for C diff twice - both negative. I don't have the classic C diff symptoms. Just loose stools once or sometimes twice a day.

My homeopath has tried to re-introduce the probiotic therapy but it's giving me the same problem... more gas/diarrhea.

Can one develop an over-saturation of probiotics? I can't seem to tolerate them anymore.. Even the drops caused severe diarrhea.

Any comments?

Hi Anne,

I have never really heard of probiotic intolerance specifically, but I would imagine that you can have a reaction to certain types of probiotic strains.

Our body is made to function properly with a certain amount of friendly bacteria that keeps the unfriendly bacteria in check. Of course, the good bacteria in supplement form is referred to as probiotics.

I can't imagine that you would be "over saturated" with good bacteria since you just recently went through 3 rounds of antibiotics. Antibiotics tend to have a very destructive effect
on your good bacteria while trying to eliminate the bad. That's why supplementation is so important.

My thoughts are that you may be having these symptoms of diarrhea, gas, and bloating because your body is trying to detoxify - perhaps too quickly? Die-off can sometimes seem to be worse than the problem your treating, but it doesn't last forever.

I would consider changing probiotics to see if you have a better result with a different strain combo.

I would also try using Herbal Fiberblend to cleanse out your digestive tract and get your yeast overgrowth under control if you still have it.

You can start gradually and allow your body to adjust. You may still experience some gas and bloating, but as your body gets used to the added fiber and herbs it will pass.

Here are a couple of good options for probiotics that you can choose from if you are interested in trying a different type...

I hope one of these suggestions will be helpful in determining if you have a genuine probiotic intolerance or just need to take things a bit more slowly and hang in there till you make a break through.

To your good health!

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