Thyroid Or Hormone Imbalance?

by Ann
(Atlantic City, NJ)

Do I have a thyroid or hormone imbalance?

Since I gave birth to my daughter 4 years ago, I've had serious medical problems that first started as extreme fatigue.

I was told I'm a new mom with a 2 yr old and a newborn, I should be tired. She gave me B12 shots. But then the depression started with weight gain. I've gained 50 pounds since.

I was then diagnosed with depression and put on Wellbutrin. Which did help, but my periods are extremely heavy and irregular, every 22 days! I have night-sweats almost daily and my breasts are leaking before my period.

I went on the pill, which helped some but the migraines were too much to handle. I did lose 20 of the 50 pounds, but it took me a year and I am getting very frustrated.

My thyroid tests come back normal and as soon as I go off the pill I gain weight and the periods are a mess.

I am tired all the time, with bags under my eyes from the insomnia. I keep dropping things and I am having a hard time controlling my anger. The littlest thing sets me off and I cry over nothing. HELP!

Hi Ann,

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles and suffering. What a blessing to have a beautiful little girl, but so sad not to be able to fully enjoy her because of your health.

Your thyroid is also regulated by hormones. We actually have quite a few different hormones that all need to be in the right balance to keep us at optimum health.

If your thyroid has been tested and the results are normal, then you are wise to consider your other hormones. Progesterone and Estrogen imbalance are quite often the culprits in our modern

You're initial symptoms may have been triggered by postpartum depression from your hormone imbalance after giving birth. Everything you've tried (the Wellbutrin and birth control pills) has only made matters worse.

You probably know that the side effects of those drugs are creating many of the symptoms you are experiencing and/or making some more pronounced.

I would suggest that you start using a good cream as soon as possible.

A good natural progesterone cream may help you with the depression, insomnia, and the anger, for starters.

I would also recommend that you consider the RevitaFem capsules as well. These are natural herbal capsules that are specifically designed to help women through menopause. You may not be there yet, but it may be worth considering to help you get your system back on track.

The only consideration with the RevitFem is that it isn't recommended for use by women who have extensive menstrual bleeding, so use your own judgment on that one.

Whole food supplement powders are also quite helpful because they help you give your body the nutritional support it needs to keep you healthy or to improve your health, as the case may be. I use the Garden Trio regularly myself to maintain good health and support my regular diet. If this is something you can afford, I'd highly recommend it too. Believe it or not, good nutrition can also help a thyroid or hormone imbalance!

My heart really goes out to you. I hope that you will at least give the Renewed Balance natural progesterone cream a try, if nothing else.

Please keep me posted on your progress. I pray the Lord will help you to feel better soon so that you can fully enjoy your gift of motherhood.

To your good health!

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