Worms Crawling Inside

by Shannon
(Muskegon, Mi. USA)

Feels Like Worms Crawling Inside My Feet And Legs

Feels Like Worms Crawling Inside My Feet And Legs

What is in my body? I feel as if I have worms crawling inside my feet. That feeling has now moved into my legs.

I am a little bit freaked out. What could it be and how do I kill, kill, kill these things?

The feeling is not constant. It does kind of come and go. I don't really know of another way to say it.

Please help!
~ Shannon

Hi Shannon,

Have you been to the doctor to rule out some form or nerve damage, etc.? That's a possibility. Hormone imbalance can also cause similar symptoms.

I assume that you are thinking it may be parasites since you've asked your question here and you feel you have worms crawling inside you.

Parasites are also a possibility, of course. Even a yeast infection can give you those sensations. Do you have any other symptoms of parasites, like digestive issues, constipation, etc.?

Generally speaking, a good herbal cleanse is a good first step in eliminating internal parasites. Specifically, I use Herbal Fiberblend and Para 90.

When you are dealing with parasites and most other health issues, it's also important to replenish the good bacteria in your body to help strengthen your immune system. Florafood is a good choice.

To your good health!
Angie from allaboutparasites.com

Comments for Worms Crawling Inside

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Mar 13, 2018
My mom and I have the same things. NEW
by: Lynn Allen

My mom and I are finding little worm like hairs on everything in our apartment. We also have tiny little black, red, and white specks on everything.I have scrubbed and cleaned everything in the apartment over and over again till my fingers are raw. I have the worm feelings in my feet, privates, and under my breasts. Tea tree oil seem to work for a while but they come back.

Aug 13, 2011
black dots and crawling sensations...
by: Anonymous

These symptoms sound very much to me like the onset of 'morgellons' - a 'disease' which is becoming extremely widespread - worldwide - and yet which most doctors appear to be in denial about. By putting 'morgellons' into google, anyone can inform themselves very easily about the various symptoms and other peoples' experiences - and hopeful treatments..;I say hopeful, since this ailment is incredibly difficult to treat, let alone cure. Reading about its potential origins is quite an education in itself! Good luck to each and everyone who, like myself, finds themselves inflicted.

Aug 12, 2011
Good Suggestion
by: Angie

That's a good suggestion and something Shannon should try to rule out. Our bodies are amazing things and sometimes something that we would never suspect can be causing what seems to be unrelated symptoms.

Thanks for sharing your (and your husband's) experience as good food for thought!

Aug 12, 2011
Shannon, ? 4 u
by: Anonymous

Shannon, could u possibly have type 2 diabetes? Your feet will feel like u described and can then travel to ur legs. To be safe, as diabetes if not controlled, is dangerous. Have ur doctor check ur blood sugar and ur a1-c1. My husband was just diagnosed and he had the same symptoms u described in his feet and legs. It can be controlled and reversed with proper diet, excercies, and medication. My husband is overweight and has had a lot of stress lately, which raises his blood pressure[which he is already being treated for], which then can raise his sugar. So, go to ur doctor and see about all of this. Good Luck!

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