Itching Inside Scalp

by Mary
(Manchester England)

I have itching inside scalp and sometimes body and a feeling of something hatching and going onto people next to me who start to scratch.

Hi Mary,

I assume you are not referring to head lice and have checked to make sure that isn't the parasite you are dealing with.

Try rinsing your head with raw organic apple cider vinegar and even adding some to your bath water. This may help the itching from the outside.

Also, get some Herbal Fiberblend and use it for several weeks for a good cleanse internally.

Try to find some probiotics (acidophilus, bifidum, etc.) at your local health food store to help build up the good bacteria in your system.

Those suggestions are a good place to start when dealing with itching inside scalp and the body.

To your good health!

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