Morgellons Skin Ailment

by Dawn Sladky
(Hershey, PA)

How To Treat Morgellons Skin Ailment

How To Treat Morgellons Skin Ailment

I am a Registered Nurse who suffers with this Morgellons skin ailment, which is ironically refuted by medical exports.

This disease seems to have lesions which are chronic or reoccurring. This disease encompassed my entire posterior head/neck and upper back.

Currently, my condition has been exacerbated, perhaps by thyroid dysfunction and or emotional turmoil.

I also was infected with MRSA at the same time the first lesion occurred. That happened in 2008 and I have suffered ever since that time with outbreaks, encompassing the totality of skin dermatomes.

I feel this disease is opportunistic and with flares and remissions. It is severely pruritic and appears as an ulcer with a scaly border.

I have been held hostage by it. It is a valiant fighter. Currently I am trying Tea Tree Oil which has helped.

Any suggestions, please Facebook me!
Dawn Sladky

Hi Dawn,

So sorry to hear that you have also been fighting off this nasty Morgellons skin ailment for so long and not receiving the support from your medical colleagues that you ought to expect.

Tea tree oil is helpful for some people, but not all. Another essential oil that you may want to try is clove oil. Dilute it in water or oil, of course, for application. You can soak in a bath with sea salt and clove oil (or
tea tree) which may make matters easier in your case since most of your affliction is on the back and hard to reach areas.

I can't stress enough how important it is to cleanse and boost your immune system internally as well. There is no quick fix, as you well know.

You're going to have to approach this with long term management in mind and give your body an abundance of nutritional support on a daily basis for many months to come in order to not only eliminate whatever it is that is causing this unusual Morgellons skin ailment that seems to be spreading to more and more people.

You're right about the condition being exacerbated by other health concerns as well as stress and emotional turmoil. Even when you may seemingly recover, another attack on the immune system can produce a flare up or recurrence. That's why I encourage a long term approach to immune support.

Please have another look at the suggestions for a natural Morgellons treatment and consider giving it a real try.

Note toward the bottom of the page the recommendation for Composure as based on your story, I think that would be of much benefit to you.

I hope and pray that you are able to achieve healing and relief as quickly as possible.

Angie from

Comments for Morgellons Skin Ailment

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Nov 23, 2020
I will help
by: Dr. Ure

I have been helping Morgellan sufferers for a number of years. My web site is Let me know if you want my suggestions.

God bless you all,

Dr. Ure

Dec 17, 2018
topical oitment NEW
by: Robin alegria

Try EmuAid

I feel I have the same . I have been using this for almost 2 weeks and seen dramatic improvements.


Oct 12, 2014
Try the basics if you can... NEW
by: Angie from

Dear Dana,
I'm so sorry to hear that you are also suffering. If you can afford to try at least SOME of the recommendations for the Morgellons treatment, I would suggest at least the following....

Herbal Fiberblend
Barley Life

Can you manage those four? Those are my top recommendations for a limited budget. I can get them for you at the wholesale prices here.

I feel pretty confident that you will find them helpful, and they also have a money back guarantee.


Oct 11, 2014
I am a nurse too and I have it NEW
by: Dana

Everyone thinks I'm nuts. I miss my family horribly and am itching from head to toe. I'm running out of money and becoming severely depressed. I'm so alone.

Aug 02, 2013
Morgellons NEW
by: CK Brown

Dear Dawn,
I'm fighting a parasite now for 1 year and 8 months, so believe me, I can truly sympathize with you. At one time, one of the many doctors I have been to thought it could be Morgellons, but that was ruled out.

However, he told me that at one of the large Universities in Oklahoma, the Microbiology Department has been doing extensive studies on Morgellons and they actually have been the first to name it as a "disease."

Since I didn't have Morgellons, I don't remember which University it was, but it would be worth a call to a couple of them........either The University of Oklahoma, or Oklahoma State University. You'll have to look them up online to find the contact information for them.

The other thing that I'm doing for my parasite, which hasn't been diagnosed, unknown, unknown, unkown is what all the biopsies come back reading. Anyway, the other thing is "Carnivora." Carnivora is an herb that awakens the immune system unlike any other herb on earth. It's the herb that Pres. Reagan used to kill his colon cancer, as he refused Chemo and
Radiation. It comes in capsules and drops and you can buy it online. I take 5 drops three times a day, and it's too early yet to tell if my parasites are gone, however, it's been a week since I've seen any evidence of them. They hide in my skin and I rarely see one, unless it happened to be dead, but I see their work. I've been taking the Carnivora for 2 weeks now, and will continue taking it. There's a lot of info on it online, since you will want to do your own research. Also, on Youtube, there's lots of information about it. I wish you good luck with your struggles. Don't stop trying new things. Carolyn

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