Hypothyroid + Menopause

by Lisa B
(New York City)

My Hypothyroid + Menopause Issues

All the details...ok. I am a 53 yr old woman who went into sudden menopause at 40. Up until then I had a fabulous easy time in terms of fertility (2 fabulous kids now 17 & 15 yrs old).

I had regular easy periods and always weighed 110 at most eating everything & lots of it- I gained 30 lbs with each pregnancy and dropped the weight both times quite quickly without dieting (breast fed both kids for years). I felt (and looked) wonderful until 40.

The menopause was emotionally rough but I was so thankful that I had my babies already and got on HRT immediately because the hot flashes were UNBEARABLE.

I stayed on a low dose birth control pill for 5 years because my obgyn said I was too young for HRT.

I went from that to bio-identicals compounded for me starting with tri-est + 100mg of prometrium daily then (and still) to bi-est + 100 mg of prometrium daily but I am using the creams from Natural Living - I use very little of both once a day & they seem to work well (no flashes).

In 2005 I was diagnosed w/hypothyroidism & I started to pack on lbs that I couldn't lose even on the synthroid. I gained over 30 lbs & was so depressed & frustrated.

I was also on effexor for depression & was happy with its effects emotionally but when I read the evidence that it can contribute to serious weight gain I tapered off (what a NIGHTMARE) & did lose a few pounds but not enough to feel like myself.

I was stuck at 147lbs (I'm 5'6") and hated how I looked- I started exercising with no weight loss and ate almost nothing with no results.

Summer of 2009 we spent 3 weeks in Southern Europe on the Mediterranean sea - swimming daily in the iodine rich water (even the color you get from that part of the world is richer and deeper). I remember my dad telling me it was rich in iodine.

After our trip I returned home with my
clothes swimming on me and had dropped 20 lbs without changing a thing in terms of diet (still eating very little but now the weight was dropping).

I was thrilled to be back in my old jeans and felt wonderful. I went down to 124 and remained between there & 130 for the past almost 2 years.

I know that I can gain 2-3 lbs a day if I am not extremely careful about what I eat but if I restrict food intake I can stay under 130 which is fine - not great but acceptable.

I've started taking vitamins/minerals regularly now and use the following: A multi for women over 50, calcium, vitamin D, Omega 3, CoQ 10 (I'm on lipitor & have been for years because I've always had very high cholesterol even as a teenager), a probiotic (for un-relenting constipation which is such a drag), biotin, lutein and as of a month ago I've added an iodine supplement after reading lots of info that says all thyroids need iodine to support them.

I always thought iodine was a big no-no until recently -now I guess you guys have changed your minds on that.

I take 60 mg of Armour as the synthroid didn't do much for me- The Armour doesn't do much either but my numbers were good so I stay on it.

I feel the weight starting to return & am so worried I'll turn around in 3 months weighing 150 lbs again with nothing I can do about it.

I am hoping that my new regime of supplements (especially the iodine) & my new bio-identical HRT regime will help rev my thyroid and allow me to lose the weight. I want to be at 125 without having to starve myself.

I can't find a dr in NYC who understands thyroid and HRT who takes oxford. I went to Patient's Medical (woman to woman) a few years ago and loved it but they don't take insurance and it's way too expensive for me now.

I want to feel better again and need help!!! Thanks for listening.
Lisa B. NYC

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