Registered Nurse With Morgellons?

by Sue C.
(Blue Ridge, Georgia)

Registered Nurse With Morgellons Concerns

Registered Nurse With Morgellons Concerns

About three weeks ago I noticed a red bump with (what appeared to be) a straw-like, splinter-like 'thing' in the middle. It doesn't itch nor hurt until the 'splinter' is triggered by clothing rubbing. This is akin to the 'splinter' association in my thinking.

With a tweezer I pulled and removed 'splinter'. However, the red bump didn't go away, but it caused me no more issue for about a week. Then I noticed two more bumps in the same area forming a cluster on my upper thigh. Also the 'splinter' was coming back on the initial site. This cluster of red bumps are all within 1'' to 2'' of each other.

Now, as of April 21, 2013, I have two more established bumps with clear splinters and a forth red bump is now beginning to appear.

Interesting as the initial bump has lost the second splinter from clothes rubbing, I think. I plan to pull the other current 'splinters' and save if this proves to be a prudent thing to do.

I'm puzzled - not alarmed. If it weren't for listening to C to C, AM radio program (hosted by George Norrey) a couple years ago, I wouldn't have known to wonder if this could be a form of Morgellon's Disease/Syndrome.

I'm not crazy nor delusional! It's curiosity that leads me to even pull Morgellon's up on computer and write all this.

As an added note, I grow the plant called prickly pear. When I make contact with one of the plant pods and get the little, thin 'thorns' in my skin, this is the closest experience to whatever is presenting now - only those little red sores caused by the prickly pear cactus go away after the thorn-like splinter is removed.

Well, hope this helps someone.
~ Sue C.

Dear Sue,

Thanks for sharing your experience with this unusual symptom. I'm sure it will be a comfort to many of our other visitors that there is a registered nurse with morgellons concerns as so many of them are being told that they are crazy simply because the doctors they visit don't know what is plaguing them.

Although we have no firm answers either, I always encourage everyone to put their body in the best possible place of defense AND offense by both cleansing their body with a natural herbal detox and boosting their immune system with nutritional support and whole food supplements.

It's amazing, as I'm sure you've seen on many occasions, how wonderfully the body can fight back and deal with such a wide range of issues when it just has the right tools and support.

By the way, I like to use clove oil as a topical application for skin issues, and you may find it helpful too.

Angie from

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Jul 28, 2013
Splinter-like Eruptions Update NEW
by: Angie from

Hi Sue,

Thanks so much for the update on those splinter-like eruptions you were dealing with. A lot of people don't come back and let us know how they are doing, so I really appreciate the feedback.

I believe you are right about how important a part your strong immune system has played in the extent of discomfort you've experienced with this mysterious condition. I'm very happy for you, too.

Thank you for taking the time to encourage other visitors, too, to make the effort to get as much nutritional support as they can as I'm convinced it makes a world of difference.

For that lingering reddened area on your skin, perhaps some organic cold pressed coconut oil applied regularly would encourage full healing of the tissue there. You may already be aware of the benefits of coconut oil, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Thanks again for the encouraging update. I hope that you will soon be completely clear of any signs of this strange little episode.


Jul 28, 2013
Update On Splinter-like Eruptions NEW
by: Sue C.


This is an update on my sores with splinter-like eruptions I sent to you in April, 2013. A total of five mosquito-size areas ended up there (all 1" to 2" apart) by the middle of May.

This area on my upper left thigh I treated twice with antibiotic ointment, simply rubbing on the ointment a month apart (mid-May and mid-June). Only the initial 3 of these had the splinter-like 'things' in them. I never pulled another splinter 'thing' with them falling out first, which I attributed to clothes rubbing.

Very gradually all 5 began to go away in June. The last 2 spots to erupt are now gone (7/29/13), but the initial 3 areas continue to be evident with the appearance of a round redden area, still resembling mosquito bites, but there is no itch nor burn.

Though areas still easy to see, only the initial spot is still raised now. It still has a tiny red spot in the middle where the splinter-like 'thing' appeared initially and after pulling 'thing' out, another grew in exact same area, as I related in my first post. Second splinter-like 'thing' fell out on its own - again probably because of pulling on/off pants.

I'm writing for the up-date, as well as to add I am not one to suffer from any skin issues, nor allergies, nor health issues, in general. Normal 'bites' from mosquitoes/ bees go away in 3-5 days.

My immune system is very strong with no colds nor flu except in 1975 and 1991. If I feel something coming on, I take Colloidal Silver, and that does it. I still suspect I may have had a 'brush' with a parasite-like condition.

In the 50 years of my nursing career (I am now 75), I've never seen nor heard of anything so mysterious. While I haven't really suffered from this experience, I suspect whatever is the invading organism - it never got a firm 'hold' on affecting my body.

Consequently, I encourage anyone reading this to significantly boost their immune system, eat the most nutritious foods possible, and follow whatever ideas you present (that may feel 'right') for them to try.

I believe that fear needs to be recognized and addressed, too. I also believe the body 'signals' each of us to get balanced. Oh, and since 1995 (when I took several courses for a certificate in Holistic Nursing), I have been practicing alternative medicine.

Thank you for providing this site, Angie.

Most sincerely,
Sue Campbell, RN, BSN

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