There are Swine Flu Facts that you should know. You don't need to panic, but you need to be prepared.
What can you do to help your family be as safe as possible?
I hope to help you answer that question and others so that you can enjoy greater peace of mind.
Every year we face a variety of influenza viruses. We call it "the flu season." As a consequence, we take extra precautions.
We start washing our hands more faithfully, carrying tissues, covering our mouths and noses when we cough or sneeze, and trying to avoid contact with people we know who've caught the bug.
The H1N1 flu is not much different! Here are some basic swine flu facts...
Although the H1N1 flu was originally called the "Swine Flu," it's been determined that the virus really isn't at all similar to the virus found in North American pigs, as originally thought. Instead, it actually has similarities to a virus that circulates in pigs in Europe, interestingly enough.
Based on my research with CDC and other prominent sites, it seems that the swine flu facts tell us that there really is no greater danger and risk threatened by h1n1, than any of the regular flu viruses we face each year.
"Each year, in the United States, on average 36,000 people die from flu-related complications and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related causes." - CDC
That quote was referring to the regular seasonal flu. The swine flu has not reached any where even close to those numbers in terms of fatalities. That should help you keep your panic under control and keep the entire swine flu epidemic in the proper perspective.
Who is vulnerable to the swine flu?
Anyone with a weakened immune system should take precautions to protect themselves against the spread of the h1n1 influenza. A weak immune system makes you more susceptible to any germ or virus you come in contact with. It's no different with the swine flu.
In these early months of the spreading swine flu influenza, it does appear that there is one unusual difference, though. The elderly appear to be less affected than they are with the normal seasonal flu. Fewer people over 60 have been reported with infection, and more people under 25. I personally wonder if this oddity will continue as the life of the h1n1 flu persists.
Of course, those who are already suffering from underlying conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, asthma, etc., would naturally be at higher risk, generally speaking. That's why it's so important to do all you can to boost your immune system so that your body has the best possible chance of avoiding contamination.
What are the swine flu symptoms?
The symptoms of H1N1 are also similar to the symptoms of seasonal influenza.
The symptoms include the following common conditions:
Obviously, just because you may suffer from one or more of the above symptoms of H1N1, doesn't mean you have the swine flu. Facts and experience tell us that many of these symptoms are caused by a number of other conditions. The list is just a guideline to help you know what to look for and treat if the condition arises.
As with any flu or debilitating condition, if your symptoms become severe and/or much worse than you would anticipate with a normal flu, you should consider consulting a professional health care practitioner for assistance and advice. Some types of severe symptoms may include...
Improvement followed by a return of the symptoms that even worsen.
Swine Flu Facts about Prevention and Treatment:
The government and pharmaceutical companies are proposing to give us all an H1N1 Swine Flu Shot, but I don't personally recommend this option. We at believe in natural health and healing as much as possible. The choice has to be yours, but I don't find any real value in becoming a guinea pig for the giant drug companies to test out their vaccines for them.
I prefer to approach the situation from a different perspective. Instead of giving my body a portion of the H1N1 influenza (including mercury and who knows what else?), I choose to give my body the building tools it needs to strengthen my immune system and ward off any stray virus I may come in contact with, regular influenza or H1N1 flu.
I have found the greatest successes in health by keeping a strong immune system through probiotics and good nutritional supplements. I believe these serve as the best swine flu precautions, too.
Don't be ruled by fear and propaganda! Understand the swine flu facts and make educated decisions for you and your family about how you will combat this newest parasitic flu virus.
To your good health!
If you or someone you love has been affected by the swine flu, please tell your story here.
If you have updates regarding the spread of H1N1 in your area, or other comments about the influenza, we'd like to hear them.
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