Swine Flu Shot

Should you get the swine flu shot? What are the dangers and risks? What are the alternatives? 

swine flu shot

Find out more before you make your decision to get the H1N1 vaccine.

If you keep up with the latest swine flu news, you'll know all about the proposed H1N1 vaccine that has been created.

You will have heard all the promotional rhetoric encouraging people to get their swine flu shot at the earliest opportunity.

But, how much do you know about the vaccine itself? The vaccine being created for this strain of influenza is really going to be almost completely untested. There won't be "time" for trials and testing to be sure the vaccine is safe and without harmful side effects. 

In fact, the makers and promoters of the swine flu shot have been granted immunity from liability should anyone suffer death or serious side effects after receiving the H1N1 vaccine.

That alone would put me off getting the flu shot if I wasn't already opposed to the idea. Another strike against the swine flu vaccine in my mind is the additional ingredients that will be included in the concoction. Mercury is one of the nastiest ingredients (not to mention formaldahyde), and is known to contribute to Alzheimer's disease and Autism. Further side effects may include...

  • joint inflammation
  • arthritis
  • anaphylactic shock (and other life-threatening allergic reactions)
  • Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (a paralytic autoimmune disease)

It's always a health risk to place toxic ingredients into your body. Just by labeling the mixture by the name of "vaccine" does not lessen the risk. 

Our body is naturally working at building up a defense against foreign invaders all the time. That's one of the reasons that I don't think it's a good idea to constantly use antibacterial soaps. You are limiting the amount of resistance your system can naturally create when it doesn't get any practice. :) 

Allowing your family to build up it's natural resistance to the germs they come in contact with on a daily basis is the most effective way to build up a strong immune system. That, and good nutrition and supplementation, of course.

Interesting and thought provoking, isn't it? I've also done some reading recently on whether or not health care professionals get their annual flu vaccinations.

Guess what? Much less than 50% of medical practitioners get their flu shot! Do you think perhaps they know something that the rest of us don't?

There are definitely alternatives to submitting yourself to the swine flu shot this year. Increase your Vitamin D intake as mentioned in the video, for a start. For more practical and common sense ideas, view these swine flu precautions.

I wish you good health over the coming flu season. Whether you decide to go ahead and get the H1N1 vaccine or not, I hope you will take the natural steps of improving and strengthening your immune system so that you have the best chance of avoiding being brought low by the swine flu virus.

If you have any swine flu news to share, we'd love to hear from you. Use the form below to share your thoughts and insights.

To your good health!

Let's Talk About The Swine Flu!

If you or someone you love has been affected by the swine flu, please tell your story here.

If you have updates regarding the spread of H1N1 in your area, or other comments about the influenza, we'd like to hear them.

You can ask questions or share with others what you have found to work or not work in your quest for prevention, precautions or even a home remedy.

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The more specific you are the better in sharing your story so that you can be helped or others can be helped by your submission.

What Other Visitors Have Said About The Swine Flu

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I don't think the vaccine is a bad idea. What could it hurt? Vaccines aren't bad. If it protects against "the wrong kind of flu," it will still …

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